A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Trapped behind enemy lines, a soldier must help a prisoner of war escape within 48 hours or be left behind.

Star Quest will be a rpg set in a futuristic city on a distant world. This city, however, is very dangerous and the ruling government has eyes everywhere. You don't belong here. As the player, will explore the vast city, uncover corporate conspiracies, fight off Valkyrie soldiers, and try to fit in with your new rebel friends.

Much of the art is still in concept

As of now, I'm working on improving the combat of the game. I have provided a demo to test the combat and I will be updating it as time goes on.

Goals for combat:

-Rewrite the movement system to give the player more weight when moving and attacking
-Make the sword able to deflect lasers


Star Quest.zip 2.5 MB

Install instructions

BUG ALERT: If you get stuck in a wall(you will lol), just use your sword(mouse2) to dash out of the wall.

Development log

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